Public Relations – Traditional vs. Digital

traditional PR and Digital PR Eng Blog

Public Relations – Traditional vs. Digital

“Traditional PR is dying, and it’s all about digital PR”,  we’ve all heard this one too many times. Is it necessary to have both? Yes, we believe so! But don’t take our word for it. Before we address that question, let’s go over the differences between traditional and digital PR, as outlined by Traditional public relations includes any press-related activity that does not use the internet, such as print, television, or radio. It entails contacting and cultivating relationships with editors and authors in traditional publishing and production houses. While digital public relations does not necessitate face-to-face interactions with the media, it does necessitate the use of additional online platforms such as social media, search, and apps to support news content, as well as the involvement of important influencers and their own online platforms.

Traditional Public Relations for a reason also said it well that traditional PR is a tradition for a reason, and digital PR has become the main driver for its own reason.  We here believe that there is no need to choose as we have faith in our friends, the members of the press that they have evolved, they have adapted and they have integrated traditional and digital public relations together harmoniously. Well, at least most of them have from what we have observed in the past five years.  Those that have not or did not, ceased to exist.  Hence, it’s not a question of choosing sides.

When should you utilize public relations (PR) to promote your business?

Now that we’ve briefly examined the evolution of public relations, let’s not forget about the basics: why do we need to do it in the first place. In today’s world, where customers trust their peers more than brands, the second-best option after organic reviews is to rely on reliable sources, such as the media. The stories appear unbiased and more credible when they are naturally vetted or published by credible publications, both offline and online. Furthermore, it is a more reputable and cost-effective alternative to traditional advertising. The benefits of online PR exposure with SEO are something that is sometimes underestimated. Consumers will most likely come across your brand by the content presented on your PR announcement, whether or not they were searching for it. Lastly, how else could you or would you reach your consumers and prospects so widely? Public relations is an excellent communication strategy that allows you to reach millions of individuals. How’s that?

Before we wrap up Part 1 of PR Blog, I’d like to leave you with a quotation from the Public Relations Society of America:

Public relations is a strategic communication process that builds mutually beneficial relationships between organizations and their publics.

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